Today I discovered a good reason to enjoy living in Israel... which is not to say that I find living here easy--or even consistently enjoyable. But I gotta say, I had a great experience at the hospital today.
What's that? The hospital?
Ok, well, to be less dramatic, the Terem. It's an ER that only deals with small injuries that are not immediate. This is an incredible system as it allows immediate care for people who can't wait to see a doctor or who need X-Rays but keeps them out of the ERs that deal with major life-or-death traumas. The ER ran really nicely, everyone spoke English (which I'm embarrassed to rely so heavily on, but thank G-d I didn't need any Hebrew today!).
So, in our attempt to find cheap entertainment, Omri and I went to the OU Israel Center last night and caught their free Hitchcock double feature (The Cheney Vase and The Man Who Knew Too Much) with about 20 octogenarians. Other than the loud commentary from all angles, the sometimes-skipping DVD, and the disproportionately large number of people eating sandwiches out of plastic bags, it was an enjoyable experience. I really liked The Cheney Vase. But (take away my Tisch diploma if you must) I'd rather watch The Man Who Knew Too Little.
On the way back from the theater, my ankle, which has been bothering me on and off for about a month, started to seriously hurt. To the point where I couldn't really put any weight on it by the end of the evening. The small area that had been bothering me a month earlier was now gaining ground and causing searing pain from just below my knee to the bottom of my heel.
I hate going to the doctor.
Last night, Omri made me promise to go.
So, ok, today I went to the nice doctor in Har Nof and he referred me to Terem. They took X-Rays, checked me out, and sent me on my way with a bandaged foot and advice of how to make it heal faster (namely, stop walking on it). Here's a cool memento: I got to take my X-Rays home in a DVD! Never had that happen before.
Now we have to figure out ways to enjoy Israel on the cheap, when we're not allowed in each other's apartments, and now... WITHOUT HAVING TO WALK. This won't be easy. Any advice is appreciated.
Sorry to hear you sprained it. :(
How about the park right next to you--- to sit on the bench or picnic on the grass and enjoy the last days of summer watching children play and adults chit chat. Not to mention, you can watch the amazing sunset over the forest you love so much, which you'd be in perfect line to view... Omri can get you Fro-yo, or pizza (on Chai Taib), or falafel (on Kanfe Nesharim), or bagels and salads from Har Nof, and come back and you can eat and chill and talk... or get some paper and pencils or crayons/markers, and practice drawing each other! (Nice shomer nagiya activity). Or best of all, read to each other, learn, and share Torah insights of the day or week. Hope this helps to get your creative muscle working!
Love ya,
Thanks, Gilana! I'll definitely try these ideas, they're great!
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